As you might've noticed, I haven't written anything here in an eon. Perhaps you have been experiencing sleepless nights in anticipation of my next post. I am sorry about your insomnia, although I would've thought reading the posts would remedy that :) Well, I have hard news to share with you, so you may want to sit down and grab a few tissues. I won't be posting on this page anymore. But before you cry out "Why, Why!!!" in lament, allow me to share some good news.
I have moved into a bigger and better location! So please put down the tissues, and grab a pencil and paper. You can now find me at
This site allows me far more options in designing a page as I wish, in sprucing up its decor, and in spouting off in my usual way. But I spout off with a purpose: to discuss cutting-edge and important issues in education and education reform. So, grab a tasty beverage, listen to your favorite tunes, and come visit my new home. I have plenty of reading material to keep your attention, and links to market myself (shameless plugs of my skills for you administrators that need a good teacher for your school).
See you there!
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